Baby Bird Updates, May 6 & 7

They are growing up so fast! It seems like they are doubling in size every 8 hours. The parents are also switching out much more often. They were switching out every 8 hours or so, now they are switching out about every 4 hours!

They have gotten their feathers in & finding their wings!

They look like little pinecones!!!

Check out my baby bird compilations for May 6 & 7!

One Impatient Chick

It was raining all day yesterday. Just none stop rain. One of those days where you wake up & it’s raining & you go to bed & it’s raining. Sometimes rainy days are pretty awesome. Like when your an adult & just need a break… But when your a kid those long rainy days cause feel like a bore. Like this young Mourning dove chick. He was not having it. He had some severe cabin fever at one point. It was also the first time he really showed off his wings!

What’s in the Box? Ep. 3: My Urban Vertical Dripper Irrigation System

I have a vertical garden in my back patio & during the growing season it does pretty well.  Unless I’m out of town.  It always suffers greatly when I’m gone even 3-4 days . The hot sun dries them out.  This year I decided I would add a drip irrigation system.  Not only would it help with keeping the plants happy while gone but drip irrigation systems also help conserve water.

My video below describes my plan

What I bought to create my drip irrigation system:

2 xxAGSIVO Drip Irrigation Kits:

2 x Rainbird 25psi pressure regulators:

1 x Eley 3 way faucet splitter:

1 x hose shut off valve:

I hope this helps you plan your own Urban Vertical drip irrigation system!