My City Garden and Square Foot Gardening Adventure

About 4 years ago I finally came up enough in the wait list to be called for a plot in the Baltimore City Farms Program (  The wait list averages 2 years long and I put my name in for 2 gardens:  Heath St and Light St.  I got called for a plot for Heath St City Garden.

2016 garden

The plants I put in my 2016 garden. They did really well!

The first year I got the plot I was called at the beginning of June so I didn’t have much time to grow much of anything.  I quickly put in a couple of tomatoes, peppers, and basil plants and called it a season.  The plants did pretty well and I was happy with the location of my plot.

The 2nd year, I went all in.  I decided to execute the Square Foot Gardening Method and I planned it out in the finest detail and followed all the rules. If a square called for 16 plants, I put in 16 plants! I had tomatoes, beans, peas, turnips, peppers, cantaloupe, and zucchini.  I also added compost to my plot.  I ordered A LOT of yards of Bulk Organic Compost from Veteran Compost because my plot needed soil badly.

2017 Garden

Things quickly got out of hand! 😂

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What’s in the Box? Ep. 2 Red Wigglers

When I came home from class tonight I had a package waiting for me on my doorstep. Luckily no Porch Pirates tried to swipe my package or they would have been very grossed out and very disappointed!

Check out my 2nd YouTube video below for more of my urban garden shenanigans:

The got the worms from a small farmer called WWJD Worms via Amazon. They all came healthy, happy, and ready to party (there are about 1k Red Wigglers in 1 pound so I believe saying “all” is appropriate)! Red Wigglers are excellent at breaking down decaying organic material and their poop or “casings” (in adult speak) are excellent fertilizers for your garden. They do need “food” to eat so if you are not putting them in a compost pile, ensure that they have enough old plants, leaf litter, and maybe sprinkle some compost around for them to enjoy. Red Wigglers are surprisingly expensive but the small company I bought them from was the most affordable option, offered free shipping, and – as you can see from the video – they all came hungry. I highly suggest them!

Coffee Cup Mosaic

Good Afternoon!

I’ve had this set of coffee mugs since 2008.  They came with my first “grown up” plate set I ever bought back when I bought my first house.  I never use them because I prefer to use my designer Starbucks coffee mugs but I’ve kept them around for 11 years because I like their color but there’s probably some sentimental reasons behind that too.

coffee mugs

There’s something strangely therapeutic in breaking something…on purpose.

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Making my Rain Barrel User Friendly


I have an exciting post for you all this evening. Not only is it my first Youtube video but it’s also about information that I found fascinating.

Instead of writing it all down into a very wordy blog post please view my very first Youtube video below!

Please visit: for all the low & no pressure rain barrel accessories for dripper line supplies.

I hope this post helps you to make your rain barrel more user friendly. I’m really excited about this set up and hope it will help keep my garden hydrated throughout the year!

Cherry Blossom Hydrosol

Once a year I get the pleasure of looking out my master bedroom doors to my cherry blossom tree.

Literally the largest tree on the block

Not only is it the largest tree on the block but it’s the earliest blooming cherry blossom tree (since my back patio is surrounded by concrete it’s abnormally warm for the area).

I love this tree so much. Not only does it create shade & greenery to my Urban landscape but it gifts me with beautiful pink flowers every year.

This year I did something I always wanted to do: I made a preservative with the cherry blossoms. I went out back & gathered as many cherry blossoms from standing height as possible…& I was pretty proud of myself too! It took all evening!

It took a long time to gather this cute little pile!

When I asked my herbalism group what I should do with the cherry blossoms the overwhelming majority said I should make a cherry blossom hydrosol…

Well… Sh*t…

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Building My Urban Bird Garden

Good Morning!

Every morning while drinking my coffee I like to gaze out into my garden & watch the city birds. I never thought that I would enjoy bird watching but I’ve always liked to listen to their chirps so watching them was a natural progression.

Red Wing Blackbird. First time I ever saw him.

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It’s been a long time!  Long time no see!

I’m back to blog AND  I got my domain name back!  I’ve been kicking around the idea to bring back the blog for awhile now but my domain name was taken for the past year.  Today, on a whim, I decided to check again AND IT WAS AVAILABLE!

Unfortunately, I lost about 50% of my posts when I didn’t renew my hosting way back when and I’m working on trying to collect those posts from internet archival sites.  Also, when I imported my blogger posts to WordPress for some reason i lost all my photos but I do have them somewhere so I may go back to my external harddrive and pull them up again.  We shall see.

The important thing is I’m back and ready to get to writing!