How to Can with Frozen Tomatoes

Hi all!

I’m back with another vlog! I wanted to make a vlog about how I can tomatoes. Since I had tomatoes in my freezer that needed to be preserved for easier use I thought it would be a good time for a video!


Mobile Garden Espalier

I’ve had this panel I got at a second hand store for a decade now.  I really love it and have been thinking of ways to turn it into “something”.  One thought I had was a canning jar herb garden but I don’t have enough sun exposure in my house for an herb garden.


I really love this wood panel

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One Impatient Chick

It was raining all day yesterday. Just none stop rain. One of those days where you wake up & it’s raining & you go to bed & it’s raining. Sometimes rainy days are pretty awesome. Like when your an adult & just need a break… But when your a kid those long rainy days cause feel like a bore. Like this young Mourning dove chick. He was not having it. He had some severe cabin fever at one point. It was also the first time he really showed off his wings!

What’s in the Box? Ep. 3: My Urban Vertical Dripper Irrigation System

I have a vertical garden in my back patio & during the growing season it does pretty well.  Unless I’m out of town.  It always suffers greatly when I’m gone even 3-4 days . The hot sun dries them out.  This year I decided I would add a drip irrigation system.  Not only would it help with keeping the plants happy while gone but drip irrigation systems also help conserve water.

My video below describes my plan

What I bought to create my drip irrigation system:

2 xxAGSIVO Drip Irrigation Kits:

2 x Rainbird 25psi pressure regulators:

1 x Eley 3 way faucet splitter:

1 x hose shut off valve:

I hope this helps you plan your own Urban Vertical drip irrigation system!

My City Garden and Square Foot Gardening Adventure

About 4 years ago I finally came up enough in the wait list to be called for a plot in the Baltimore City Farms Program (  The wait list averages 2 years long and I put my name in for 2 gardens:  Heath St and Light St.  I got called for a plot for Heath St City Garden.

2016 garden

The plants I put in my 2016 garden. They did really well!

The first year I got the plot I was called at the beginning of June so I didn’t have much time to grow much of anything.  I quickly put in a couple of tomatoes, peppers, and basil plants and called it a season.  The plants did pretty well and I was happy with the location of my plot.

The 2nd year, I went all in.  I decided to execute the Square Foot Gardening Method and I planned it out in the finest detail and followed all the rules. If a square called for 16 plants, I put in 16 plants! I had tomatoes, beans, peas, turnips, peppers, cantaloupe, and zucchini.  I also added compost to my plot.  I ordered A LOT of yards of Bulk Organic Compost from Veteran Compost because my plot needed soil badly.

2017 Garden

Things quickly got out of hand! 😂

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What’s in the Box? Ep. 2 Red Wigglers

When I came home from class tonight I had a package waiting for me on my doorstep. Luckily no Porch Pirates tried to swipe my package or they would have been very grossed out and very disappointed!

Check out my 2nd YouTube video below for more of my urban garden shenanigans:

The got the worms from a small farmer called WWJD Worms via Amazon. They all came healthy, happy, and ready to party (there are about 1k Red Wigglers in 1 pound so I believe saying “all” is appropriate)! Red Wigglers are excellent at breaking down decaying organic material and their poop or “casings” (in adult speak) are excellent fertilizers for your garden. They do need “food” to eat so if you are not putting them in a compost pile, ensure that they have enough old plants, leaf litter, and maybe sprinkle some compost around for them to enjoy. Red Wigglers are surprisingly expensive but the small company I bought them from was the most affordable option, offered free shipping, and – as you can see from the video – they all came hungry. I highly suggest them!

Building My Urban Bird Garden

Good Morning!

Every morning while drinking my coffee I like to gaze out into my garden & watch the city birds. I never thought that I would enjoy bird watching but I’ve always liked to listen to their chirps so watching them was a natural progression.

Red Wing Blackbird. First time I ever saw him.

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